Alright. So I got bored and I was playing my MP Marauder and started looking at it. I took a picture of the marauder and a jaguar, then scaled them up. I drug the jag rhythm plate over to the marauder and lined it up with the pickguard horn so it flowed nicely. The edge was off a tad bit on the left side, so I added a bit more pickguard material. Can't even notice right? I changed the positions of the screws. I then made the pickguard all pearloid with my layering technique. Next I drug three jag pickups over and inverted the colors. Line the slanted one up with a picture of a strat. Then spaced them nicely. Next i took the switch plate and drug it over. I had to darg another layer over it and flip it upside down and work a bit of photoshop magic to get the jaguar trem arm overlay out of it and then put the marauder one over it. But there it is. It is completely doable to mod a regular modern player marauder like this and there would be no extra holes or any kind of marks. The picture is scaled up. It would need a bit of routing and a custom pickguard with different routes and a tad bit of a reshape in that area I stated. I think I am going to do this to mine. What do you guys think?
Honestly, compared to the original it looks like a Cyclone II Jagmaster. Part of it is the bridge's fault and I realize it wouldn't make sense to block/repaint/install a mustang bridge, nor would it probably make sense to have custom chrome plates machined. But there must be some way you can make it look more sleek and cool like the Marauder should have been.
Part of what you could do would be to not follow the Jaguar pickguard lines so closely. Look at that smooth slope from the bridge to the upper plate. Also maybe look for old tiesco plates on eBay and then cut a pickguard to fit them all. I don't know, just seems like there's got to be a better way. Your Marauder is likely to become a collector model in its current state. The mods you're thinking about don't make it a more attractive guitar to me.
I don't know. It looks pretty solid to me. It pays respect to the first version of the marauder with the strat trem and no visible pickups and the second version you posted above. My Maruder is mint actually. It was one of the first ones. I preordered it. Still has all the plastic and what not. If I did it, I would probably buy a second marauder for cheep.
Congratulations! Your Punkacc9 evolved into Awstin.
Really nice, both of them, I really like Nick's pic. Punkacc you should do it, what, no alterations to the body, just a custom pickguard? Maybe cut down the lower part of the metal plate?
When I got my Marquee and Batwing I realised that one of the things that really fucks me off about the Strat is the way two of the pickups sit straight while one is angled. When I seriously doubt it makes the blindest bit of difference regardless. Particularly with offset instruments I think the all-angled look is far, far better.