i can't see any combs, all i see is flame, can you take another pic with the grain raised? i actually love figured maple and have a stock of air dried, old growth (pre 1930's) stuff that was milled(mostly) for furniture, but is in the right size for tops and necks.
your right, im an idiot. could you bookmatch it and make a nice top for like a tele thinline or something? even if its not wide enough you could add some wings and burst it to cover it up. i love a good maple top burst.
cur wrote:It is 4/4 and 6.5" by 4' long. Plan on cutting veneer and book matching for a madcat tele. WTR got me interested.
Love that all-Maple look with the tort. Great plan, Cur. If you're open to a suggestion, you might play with the design of an integrated pick-guard. Maybe taper the larger portion round the neck pup right into the smaller portion near the bridge. Instead of the two separate pieces of tort.