What I didn't realize is that an exposure compensation dial would have absolutely no purpose on an FM-series camera, since they're fully manual only

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I still go on but haven't posted anything in a while, been busy. Think I'm going out tomorrow with my camera though to a castle. Hope the sun shines!Dillon wrote:Any of you still using Flickr now that it's changed so much? I used it before but not regularly. Just created a new account. Wondering if it's possible to customize what appears on the home page. Right now it shows me recent activity, and then below that, suggested photos / people I should follow. I really just want it to show new photos from groups I'm in, and photos from friends.
Speaking of, feel free to add me, I'd love to see more from people on here. I don't know if there's a way to link to my profile (or whatever it's called), so here's a link to my photo stream.