24 scale jagmasterII 21 fret "conversion" neck - rosewood
24 scale cv duo 21 fret "conversion" neck - maple
optical illusion? or does the cv duo look longer from the last fret to butt?
the cv duo is 17 - 3/8
this thread: http://www.shortscale.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=32649
says they're both 17 - 3/16ths.
perhaps he measured the jagmaster assuming they were the same?
in which case - the jagmasterII's conversion neck would be 3/16th shorter than the cv duo's conversion neck.
anyone with a jagmasterII care to confirm?
anyone still reading this now that it's buried in a sub-forum?
bueller... bueller... bueller...
Simone: Um, it's sick. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who said you could put a precision bass neck on a 24.75 tele-sonic... it's like... bitchin, man.