Hey.... I did some pictures for the band How to Swim, a Glasgow based band. There is one for each track of their forthcoming album. If they get enough cash they can release it on vinyl, which would be class. Anyhoo..... you can buy different bundles an stuff to help get the thing off the ground. This includes the track prints I did, albums with my artwork, the original art I did for one of their singles and a shit ton of other stuff. If you fancy any of it that'd be great if you buy a few things or if you could like/share it and what not. Cheers y'all
I usually use a Pentel Japanese brush pen to draw with but for these I used Manga Studio and a drawing tablet. Best program I've found for emulating brush pens and the like, also it allows you to rotate the image on screen in the same way you'd turn your paper around to make a mark more easily. It was especially useful for drawing white on black, which is usually a bit of a nightmare.
cool, they work really well. i've been after a tablet for a while but i've only recently managed to make myself draw on paper again for the first time in over 10 years, so i'm worried i'll jinx myself if i buy one.