So I am not even really sure if I got a good deal here. I paid $150 for this mess. I am most concerned about the headstock really. I am not sure if I should remove the headstock laminate or what. Either way, the previous owners sanding job has misshapen it. I am hoping I can find a headstock routing template for a LP so I can just remove the smallest bit and restore the shape. I am not even sure what I am going to do about paint yet. I am pretty sure paint is my only option.
I can't quite tell what is happening in the photos. The laminate is just raised at the end? I think both fixes are probably pretty straightforward. More pics!
Looks like he might have tried to burst it with the darker stain on outer edges and top of the neck being darker. How easy is to sand off the stain and start fresh?
Oh... I see it now. The black line is a gap and not a second layer of veneer. Doesn't look to bad, as long as you can get it to sit flat again. Just get glue right the way in and clamp it up.
As for the irregularities on the headstock I'd just use a small file on it and sand paper round a small block til it's symmetrical. Sometime a good idea to get one side the way you want it then repeat it on the other. Starting with the side that'll need the most wood removed.