Looking for a Dallas rangemaster style enclosure HELP?

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Looking for a Dallas rangemaster style enclosure HELP?

Post by Benmurray85 »

Title says it all. I'm trying to source an old school type Dallas rangemaster enclosure to build an LPad attenuator into. So it can sit on top of my amp and look the vintage dogs bollocks.

I've recently seen a few clones built into some custom made enclosures to look like the real thing so if anyone knows how I could get hold of one of them then great. Or if anyone has one that's knackered and wants rid of the case, obviously I don't need the guts

Any help appreciated
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Post by paul_ »

WTB: rectangular metal box HALP

These are generally referred to at computer/electronics/hardware stores as "two part"/"u-shaped" enclosures or some variation on either/both phrases (because they consist of two parts which are both u-shaped).
Maplin's site is probably your best bet but if you have a brick-and-mortar electronics supply nearby give them a ring or go shop around.

Paying out the nose for a Rangemaster enclosure would be the height of futility; it's a simple/standard style of electronics enclosure that should be easy enough to replicate with very cheap materials, but the real ones will be in high demand to pretty much anyone who can ape the Rangemaster circuit/operate a computer within reasonable time frames of each other, so don't beat yourself up about having the exact box and just homage it a little. It'll still look dog bollockingly vintage because they just used things like these for the original Rangemaster unit anyway (in lieu of purpose-built hardware... the same box was probably used for a dentist drill somewhere).

some hastily-searched examples on Maplin:

and examples of common u-shaped 2-part enclosures, the first one looking super Rangemaster-y and the second looking super vintagebaws.
Aug wrote:which one of you bastards sent me an ebay question asking if you can get teh kurdtz with that 64 mustang? :x
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Post by Benmurray85 »

Oh yeah I completely agree with what youre saying. It's more of a "wouldn't it be cool if...?" Kinda thing as opposed to "I HAVE to have an original enclosure"

Where did you manage to find this one? It looks a good size as well, not too big. If not I'll have a trek over to maplins and see what they have in. Thanks

paul_ wrote: Image
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Post by paul_ »

US eBay store that didn't ship overseas so I didn't post it; came up in a google image search for the first Maplin enclosure but I don't think they're the same... the eBay store had a few other sizes and styles that are similar, as did Maplin (different number after "aluminium box")

http://stores.ebay.com/JPM-Supply-and-S ... 1418286017
Aug wrote:which one of you bastards sent me an ebay question asking if you can get teh kurdtz with that 64 mustang? :x
robertOG wrote:fran & paul are some of the original gangstas of the JS days when you'd have to say "phuck"