My shortscale resignation thread.

Pickups, pedals, amps, cabs, combos

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Post by Dave »

benecol wrote:Eh? The tremloc button's never worked like that, n00b
Oh yes it most assuredly has! Sure, you can't use the trem when locked and dropped to D, but neither was that particular element mentioned by me. To whit: if the spring is adjusted so that the zero position of the trem (unlocked) is the same as the position where the lock slides in, you are locked at concert pitch. A quick twiddle with your E string down to D ergo: benefits of trem in E, lockable and drop D without retuning the whole set of strings.

iCEByTes wrote:5 Most Jizz face maker Solo�s , classic Rock music i ever listened.
iCEByTes wrote:Blunt a joint , Take the Touch , Listen this.
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Post by Gabriel »

Strymon pedals are great, I have the Timeline and although it was very expensive I haven't regretted buying it one bit.

I'd love one of their reverb pedals, but my student budget really can't reach those levels. I need more gigs...
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Post by Bacchus »

benecol wrote:
BacchusPaul wrote:Tried to read the product page for it but kept reading dTape as d'tape, as though it were one o' them fancy European delays.
See also: DeArmond, D'Addario (strings even one as urbane as I has only ever ordered by pointing).
Liking it a bit more now you point that out. I'm a fan o' them fancy European yokes. You can always send it this way if you get intimidated. This