what is the hot mode on some t-screamers based on?

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what is the hot mode on some t-screamers based on?

Post by Progrockabuse »

yes i know it's a tubescreamer thread, but after some info.

been using a moor green mile, which is based on a TS808 but it has a switchable hot mode on it. i've noticed this on a few screamer type pedals. is there a particular mod or pedal the hot modes are based on? the mode adds more low end and a little gain, which i like.

Though i love the mooer, i keep knocking the gain knob every now and then when switching it in and out. i have taped the knob for now but like being able to tweak it if need be. plus it annoys me a little that it has tape on it, like a jack duckworth's specs! so thinking change it out for a full size pedal.
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Post by timhulio »

Could be a rip on the Fulldrive boost mode.
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Post by 71Smallbox »

Prolly a riff on what the TS9DX does.
AnallogMan wrote:Hot Mode
Hot mode is like the + Mode but seems to have even less distortion. Red LEDs (light emitting diodes) are used in this mode, like the Marshall Guv'nor, but not with enough power to light them up as much as in the Guv'nor. There is also an additional resistor added across the clipping diodes. The tone capacitor is about twenty times bigger than the original TS9 for much more low end.
To me it sounds more like you're switching to "Turbo Rat" mode, since it's the same concept, switching out the regular clipping diode pair for LED's.