You probably will never forget your first guitar. I still have mine. It is a black Peavey Patriot I got from a pawn shop in high school. I had to pay it off over a couple months before I could take it home. Shortly after getting it, the high E tuner broke off. I took it to a guitar shop and it was repaired like this....
The repair basically worked, but it looked like crap. I finally got around to ordering replacement Kluson Deluxe tuners for it. (Peavey ones.) They weren't from a Patriot, but they matched up just right.
While I had it apart, I went ahead and did some contact cleaner on the pots and toggle to clean up the scratchy noise I had no idea how to fix as a high schooler.
LMAO at that "repair" they did. It's awesome you've sorted it out though. Not really au fait with Peaveys but like the look of that.
My first guitar (a Yamaha SG200) is in storage at the moment but I plan on retrieving it and sorting it out when we move house. Worryingly it looked like it might have been developing a crack at the back where the neck joins the headstock. Just hope it was more of a crack in the finish than something more serious
Need to undo my teenage "mods" though
Fran wrote:I love how this place is basic as fuck.
ekwatts wrote:I'm just going to smash it in with a hammer and hope it works. Tone is all in the fingers anyway.
my first electric guitar was an yamaha HSH superstrat with a horrible floyd rose and I had no idea what to do with it-- it was probably awesome but I should have started with an tele
George wrote:in the future there must be only guitars or only computers
Sounds like a lot of people end up selling/breaking their first guitar. I read in some other threads about some people getting a vintage Fender for their first. (Of course it wasn't vintage when they got it.) Pretty cool how well build some of the student models were back in the day. New foreign ones are pretty well built as well of course. CNC helped a lot with that.