Thank you for adding me to the Forum. I'm here to look for Guitars with a scale that is shorter than short.
But first, let me introduce myself. I'm a 47 Years old Male, from Cologne, Germany. I started playing the guitar with 44 years of age. I stopped it because, don't know why, I can't spread my fingers wide enough to handle a normal scale. And please, don't say ist all practice. I even consulted a doctor and he said the same.. I can't do it. So I switched to Ukulele. Much shorter Scale, a lot easier to play.
But, a few month ago I came across a very Cheap Jack & Danny Brothers Guitar in Tele-Style with a Scale of 22". I bought it for 99€ and was really happy with ist. It's not possible to play it in Standard-Tuning (at least not with the original strings), so It tuned it to ADGCEA, which is a familiar tuning for me, due to the Ukulele

So here is the final question *drum roll*. Does anybody know Makers of Guitars with a scale of 22" ? Doesn't matter if Vintage or New. I know that there is actually a Ibanez with that Scale on the Market, but I don't like the Style. And I know Rickebacker, but don't know how to find the Money to get one

Any hint is apreciated

Regards from Cologne, Germany
PS: Please excuse my clumsy english, it's not my native language.