Last night I had a dream that we got back together, and when I told my mate Chris (who played bass towards the end of the band's lifespan) he reminded me that I'd been talking about remixing/remastering some of our old material. Every few months I sit down and try to mix Get Into Citrus, and every time that happens I end up spending far too much time on it, it comes out sounding overwrought and shit and I forget about it for another few months. This time I decided I'd just thrash it all out in a day. It probably doesn't sound amazing, and there are plenty of mix inconsistencies and mistakes I haven't bothered to fix, but it kind of suits the genre.
I'm getting kind of emotional now thinking about our last gig. I was in that band for five and a half years, from the age of 13 to almost 19, so I guess it was a pretty important time in my life. I'd love to play a reunion gig at some point, but I doubt it'll ever happen.
So here it is anyway, a bunch of songs written and recorded by dumb teenagers from Halifax. You might like it if you like Art Brut, Pavement or The Fall.