finboy wrote:Yea yea, stolen from the "forum that shalt not be mentioned"
We have a "show your gear" thread, but let's see what everyone uses on a day to day basis.
I got my silverface princeton reverb back and had a go with a vexter super duper, nice and simple...
Great picture. Outstanding setup. Simple and a lot of taste. I mostly play my acoustic, just don't have a room to play through amp, that is sad. I like to play some loud chords.
been running my jaguar through my silvertone lately. still keep the big muff plugged in about 99% of the time. sometimes I'll put a lpb1 in the chain too.
usually day to day I run the jazzmaster but I broke the high e last practice and haven't felt like hitting a guitar store to grab strings to restring it so it's just kinda been sitting there for a week.
then practice/live it's the silvertone and hot rod deluxe played through my jazzmaster.
daftsupernova wrote:I just got the Crystal Synth app on my iPad, which I ran through reverb > delay > amp and then I recorded myself playing with this yesterday
Really great app, by the way. More synth sounds than I can count. Not because I can't count very high, but because there are so many.
Is that an app version of the vst synth? Really like using crystal vst
plopswagon wrote:I like teles and strats because they're made out of guitar.
robroe wrote:I dont need a capo. I have the other chords in my tonefingers
lorez wrote:Is that an app version of the vst synth? Really like using crystal vst
yeah it is, i got it on both my phone and my ipad, and it was $4.99. apparently, you can also control it with other apps while its in the background, so im gonna find out what i can use with it. an arpeggiator would be nice.
Doog wrote:Tone is stored in the balls
theshadowofseattle wrote:That's why there's two: one for pee, one for tone.
Hog power source arrived, this thing has a learning curve, I hooked up my moog exp pedal and tried out some settings from ehx. I didn't like the exp on the mf drive, so this works out well.