I wasn't really happy with the Ultra, as it didn't really achieve what I was looking for while trying to make it my #1 bass. Will I have a better chance of the Hellcat fitting that roll? It looks like there are older models and newer.. What's the difference? Why is it so hard to have a bass vi fill a roll as a #1 bass with enough low end? Any help is appreciated!
The old Hellcat VI is extremely similar to the Ultra VI, both have similar Duncan Design mini-humbuckers. The 2012 to current Hellcat VIs are equiped with Duncan SJAG-1s (Single coil Jaguar pickups), and is head and shoulders a better sounding bass/VI. The Ultra is the more attractive instrument, and feels nicer, but the current Hellcat just sounds SO much better. I converted my Ultra VI to tune to baritone (B-b) and it works far better than it did E-e.
I had no issues with either the old Hellcat VI, Ultra VI or current Hellcat VI becoming my #1 bass in my band... the differences mainly come in chord clarity and mid-high to high overtones. I never found any of my VIs to lack bass, really... through a bass amp I'd say most anyone would be hard pressed to tell the difference between a VI and a 4-string.
ekwatts wrote:That's American cinema, that is. Fucking sparkles.
When it comes to the likes of Schecter the pickups have always been a weak point if they used the Duncan Designed . Frankly IMO there is nothing Duncan about them . The new Hellcat VI is really nice .. Certainly more refined than the last one .
As for a VI replacing a bass I'm not sure what you mean . You can with a good bass amp but in mind VIs tend to be a little more trebly than a standard bass. If it were me I wouldn't use a VI to replace a bass but more as an additional lower octave guitar . Sure it can be done though..
Thanks guys! Can you use the same strings on the Hellcat as the Ultra? Does this have the same pickups as the Squier VI? I assume the Schecter is better..right?
Same strings are used .. The new Hellcat has the Duncan Jaguar pups .. The Squier has the fakes ( however for being fake cheapies sound really nice ) .