Female players of short scale guitars/basses

The original shortscale guitars; Mustangs, Duo-Sonics, Musicmasters, Jaguars, Broncos, Jag-stang, Jagmaster, Super-Sonic, Cyclone, and Toronados.

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Post by speedfish »

Johnny Noir wrote:now we've got a good level to appreciate:

Wow! Who is this gorgeous woman?
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Post by dots »

i think it's fair to assume she's a betty page fan.
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Post by DanHeron »

Bass player from Vivian Girls rocked some shortscales.

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Post by Johnny Noir »

speedfish wrote:
Johnny Noir wrote:now we've got a good level to appreciate:

Wow! Who is this gorgeous woman?
the bassist from Messer Chups, a russian surf band.
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Post by Johnny Noir »

not same music but another vintage daphne blue,
Gemma from Savages:
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Post by Golden_Sonic »

I'd like to say that I didn't want to start a quarrel among you all, just make a list of female players of our favourite kind of guitars and basses. I know, the title may have seemed controversial so the guilt is mine. I'll delete this post and open another one JUST to list some female musicians of short scale instruments, an alternative way to know new bands. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
-Guitar: Squier VM Mustang, Squier CV '50 Duo Sonic;
-Amplifier: Hughes&Kettner Blue Edition 60;
-FXs: Dunlop Cry Baby GCB-95 Wah, Boss BD-2 Blues Drive, Proco RAT, Danelectro Cool Cat Tremolo, EH Small Clone, MUZA FD900, Bespeco Volume pedal.
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Post by gusman2x »

I wouldn't worry about it man. I don't think referring to a woman as "hot" is a particularly bad thing. 99.9% of people (men and women) will not have a problem if they're referred to as hot.

The only people that get upset look like this

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Post by dots »

Golden_Sonic wrote:I'd like to say that I didn't want to start a quarrel among you all, just make a list of female players of our favourite kind of guitars and basses. I know, the title may have seemed controversial so the guilt is mine. I'll delete this post and open another one JUST to list some female musicians of short scale instruments, an alternative way to know new bands. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
the thread is fine, and i appreciate that you did tone down the title a smidge. the truth is we have had plenty of action shots posted of dudes and ladies rocking their shortscales over the years. it would be kind of odd if we didn't, if you think about it.
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Post by Johnny Noir »

i'm sorry guys to have open fire with my critism... It's just i used to play with girls and they are fed up about guys talking about their appearance and not their playing.
Don't offense. I understand what you meant and you're not like these guys i'm talking.

another pics of Jenny from Dirty Dishes weith a weird duosonic


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Post by DGNR8 »

Women who play guitar get hawtness points for playing. I can't wait to hear from all of them. Rock has evolved mostly through dudes. The more the talent pool expands, we will hear things we never thought of. It may get more fragmented and harder to find the truly gifted, but music and art etc. are only going to get better.

PJ Harvey opened my eyes to this idea in the 90s, but WANDA JACKSON was a tremendous early example of the serious ass kicking women can do. Funnel of Love is still a favorite of mine.

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Post by Beau »

DanHeron wrote:Bass player from Vivian Girls rocked some shortscales.

She has her own little project now.

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Post by DanHeron »

Oh sweet. Was wondering that happened to them after the split up.
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Post by BearBoy »

She's been doing La Sera for a while now. Third album came out a couple of months ago.
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Post by mixtape »

gusman2x wrote:I wouldn't worry about it man. I don't think referring to a woman as "hot" is a particularly bad thing. 99.9% of people (men and women) will not have a problem if they're referred to as hot.

The only people that get upset look like this

Except that I do, and I don't.
Johnny Noir wrote:i'm sorry guys to have open fire with my critism... It's just i used to play with girls and they are fed up about guys talking about their appearance and not their playing.
Yeah... I'm late to the party, and I've been trying to keep quiet until now, but honestly, although I appreciate the toned-down title, the premise of this thread still makes me uncomfortable. It's very easy for a bunch of dudes to gather around and say this is all respectful and no, of course they're not the ones objectifying women, but it feels quite different from where I'm sitting.

I will concede that we live in a society where a woman playing guitar is still a curiosity, and I think the membership of shortscale would all like to see that change. I'm not sure how we'll get to a place where we have a level playing field (in music or anywhere else), but I don't think fencing off female guitarists like this is the way to do it. As well-intentioned as this thread is, it's perpetuating the same mindset ("Look! Here are women playing shortscales!"). The first incarnation of this thread was offensive; the second one is just weird. It's giving me sort of a zoo animal vibe. If we started a "Male players of short scales" thread, the connotation would be entirely different. You'd all start wondering, "Wait... am I playing a girl's guitar?" and start looking for the Daisy Rock sticker on your Mustangs.

I'm a musician. Full stop. I want to be regarded as one, and I want to be judged on the quality of my playing and my songwriting. I don't give a shit about racking up "hawtness points" for simply making the effort to blunder around the fretboard in the first place. It was very, very lonely growing up as a girl who was serious about playing guitar, and there were a lot of times when I flat out couldn't tell if the recognition I received along the way was wholly for being a good guitarist or if there was an element of "There's a girl! Playing guitar!" mixed up in it. It still riles me when I walk into a music store and know more about the gear I'm looking at than the sales guy talking down to me. Some of you are dads, and it gladdens my heart every time you post about starting your daughters on the guitar--the younger, the better. Keep up the good work. Share your love of music with them. Raise them to be musicians. You're part of the solution.

I'm not pitching a fit and demanding that the thread be locked. I know I'm in the overwhelming minority, so continue your locker room banter if it pleases you. Frankly, I find it a bit laughable any time a bunch of men get together and debate what is and isn't offensive to women, and I'd rather close my browser and go play guitar than wander around the internet being offended by things anyway. But let it be known that this makes me uncomfortable, as a person who is biologically female and still trying to muddle through the whole gender thing.
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Post by jcyphe »

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. This is the type of post that makes us mindful of how others might have a different perspective and reaction to the same thread. Ultimately having a diverse set of views is what makes us all a little bit more mature and sensitive to everybody. I know I've come a long way from the overtly sexist or culturally ignorant things I posted when I was younger and it's only because of the exposure to other people IRL and on message boards who were kind/brave/angry enough to share their experiences. I still have a lot to learn.
paul_ wrote:When are homeland security gonna get on this "2-piece King Size Snickers" horseshit that showed up a couple years ago? I've started dropping one of them on the floor of my car every time.
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Post by Concretebadger »

jcyphe wrote:Thank you for sharing your thoughts. This is the type of post that makes us mindful of how others might have a different perspective and reaction to the same thread. Ultimately having a diverse set of views is what makes us all a little bit more mature and sensitive to everybody. I know I've come a long way from the overtly sexist or culturally ignorant things I posted when I was younger and it's only because of the exposure to other people IRL and on message boards who were kind/brave/angry enough to share their experiences. I still have a lot to learn.
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Post by dots »

mixtape wrote:I know I'm in the overwhelming minority, so continue your locker room banter if it pleases you. Frankly, I find it a bit laughable any time a bunch of men get together and debate what is and isn't offensive to women, and I'd rather close my browser and go play guitar than wander around the internet being offended by things anyway. But let it be known that this makes me uncomfortable, as a person who is biologically female and still trying to muddle through the whole gender thing.
my friend and collaborator, you are certainly entitled to feel whatever you feel about something. whether or not that puts you in a minority is irrelevant -- it's how you feel, and it's nobody's business to tell you that's wrong. a couple things, though. . . there's actually been quite an effort made by most of the people in the thread to avoid and even shun "locker room banter". no disrespect meant at all, but when genuinely thoughtful attempts at discussion over what's appropriate and what isn't are deemed "laughable", that actually disheartens me and weakens my willingness to even try. maybe i'm the one being over-sensitive on that, but the internet is rife bursting at the seams with flagrant disregard for women, minorities, lgbtquia, and shortscale ain't a home for any of that. same as the two posts above me, i have a lot to learn, and i always hope those in the know can lend a hand with that.

in the end, physical and visual attraction are real things. yes, it's important to keep that aspect from being the sole definition of someone, but let's not discredit the importance of beauty of in life. beauty takes many forms and an appreciation for all of them is a healthy thing. ask annie liebovitz:
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again, not trying to make you feel invalidated or uncomfortable, but the day i stop sharing appreciation for a great photo of a beautiful person is when i'm dead.
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Post by dub »

sexist thread is still sexist.
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Post by theshadowofseattle »


This thread be like:
let's look at hot girls with guitars
iunno man that might be offensive
LizardKing wrote:ur all faggots
everyone wrote:whoa
an real girl actually wrote:no yeah that's pretty offensive
dot wrote:*mansplain*
Fakir Mustache wrote:Classic Shad Deluxe.
Nick wrote:Some of Shad's favorite Teles are black.