They also had a couple pedals already stocked: an MXR 6-band graphic EQ, a talk box, and an Ibanez DE7. The guy said they hadn't even put a price on it yet, but would let it go for $40, so I went back home to grab my money and bought it and went back home immediately to play with it some more.
HOly shit I'm in love with this pedal. The delay mode is super crisp but natural sounding, and the echo mode is dark and analog sounding, and it still goes up to 2600ms, and it is an absolute dream to play around with, especially when it self oscillates. It doesnt get absurdly loud when it self oscillates either, unlike the Joyo Analog Delay I've got, which is a big plus. I'll have a video up soon with me playing around with the Joyo and the Ibanez together.

*(although to be honest, i played with one of his handmade super strats and it sounded really nice)