Yeah the authentic 'Doo (in F) gets some use, but is mostly a conversation piece in the house.
The entire setup is pretty much from 2001: Dying MOTU 828, teh Kurdtz PC2R (great Electric Piano selection), Roland JV-2080 w/6 expansion boards, Yamaha P80, EMU E5000 (w/tiny little 20gb SCSI drive!) MOTU Timepiece for added headaches, always-faithful VirusKB with expansion. I still use certain tones from both the Roland as well as the Virus because they're so awesome, but with my office iMac running the massive KONTAKT8 with a bunch of 8DIO/Soundiron/Cinesamples etc libraries on KONTAKT, it's been getting silly to think about dialing in external sources. Add SDII and expansion drumsets, Spectrasonics' amazing Omnispere and Trilian,
and dozens of other synths, and hooking up wires is becomes cumbersome and not helpful to the creative process.
Among stuff that will definitely stay are the NS10s and the ol' SPL Channel1, which is by far my favorite "Preamp/Comp/EQ for us clueless dorks", especially how it being a hybrid valve preamp ensures vox/guitars, etc don't sound too "tubey". I have the more recent silverface version of it at the office, and it makes everything going into it sound at least decent and useable in the digital realm, if not very nice. Get one on the used market if you can find one, it's an absolute effortless package with a very easy to dial in comp that is practically automatic in operation.
Of course, WAVES Mercury bundle gets use on every project as well, although having to transfer the license online from the office to home and back is a PITA.