Was getting coffee for myself and mother and decided to pop in to a local pawn shop to see what they had. Saw mostly the normal crap and a guy said let me know if I wanted to see any closer. He added I could even check out the cheap stuff that was high up hanging from the rafters. (Very high up and I hadn't noticed them really.) Among some of the guitars I noticed a Peavey headstock and strat body. He said all the guitars there are $100 or less. Got him to bring it down for me to check out. USA Predator. Happily walked out with it. Neck was great and no neck pocket cracks. I always really like these Peaveys. I think it is because I learned to play guitar on a Patriot. I decided to drop in some Fender Noiseless pickups and put white knobs and stuff on. The switch was crap, so I put in a Fender one. Here are the pics!
Nice! I got it all strung up today and put the strap locks on. For the most part it went ok. I had to change out the pickup height screws because the Peavey ones were too small. I also added two more springs in the tremolo area because three was just letting the bridge float up too high. Sounds great. The neck and middle of the Noiseless set sound especially good. The bridge seems a bit weak to me, but it might just be the single coil thing. It sounds AWESOME through my Showman. Pics!
Nice find! Those are some of the best Strats for the money IMO, it always amazes me how cheap they still go for. Any idea which model those Noiseless pickups are? I have some old Vintage Noiseless pickups (circa 1999 or so) in one of my Strats and am not crazy about them, personally. Especially agreed that the bridge is a bit weak / thin. But they are definitely noiseless, and not bad overall given that fact.