Just picked up a dakota red 65 RI Mustang. I've always wanted one in a dark green. Considering going with Ocean Turquoise metallic and using an amber clear-coat to (theoretically) end up with a darker green turquoise. Anyone got any experience/examples or darkening with a tinted topcoat? Will it work?
YuriK wrote:You could just paint it sherwood green
I could, but the only SG nitro finish I can find is quite light, not like the darker colour you see on recent reissue strats etc. i would need to darken it somehow, and an amber topcoat might just make it more yellow.
YuriK wrote:Well idk about topcoats, but sucks that you cant find the color. Hope it works out
No probs. Thanks for the suggestion. I actually love the new style sherwood green, but I think I would need to find a way to darken it. I'll probably fork out for both and experiment to see what gets the best shade.
I'm also considering mint green or cream comp stripes. Is it sacrelige to put comp stripes on a 65 mustang body??? I'm going to do a matching headstock too.
Well I figure if I'm going to go to the effort of stripping it and refinishing, I might as well go the whole hog and do matching HS and stripe it. I'm thinking of getting some single coil sized p90s from the creamery for it too.
Will post pics when I get started...
Last edited by SherwoodJim on Mon Dec 22, 2014 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.