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Thanks for the posts! Yes,I thought so too. I really regretted selling the R9 I used to own and didn't think I would ever be able to get another one. My old one was a 96 with tiger stripped flametop. This 2011 doesn't show much flame but it is hard to see from the photo.NickD wrote:Thats a pretty decent price too.
what a hideous album cover, just perfect for your home Redwesttexasred wrote:My Christmas Present(to myself).
Yeah,I sold the Dearmond locally.I had to sell everyting to make it posible to buy the R9.Well some of them I didn't sell,I just returned them(the Cresttwood and the Melody Maker).Nick wrote:I take it you've already sold that lovely silver DeArmond? Don't remember seeing that one go.
Nice LP. Too bad about the nocaster....between that and the lp most of your tonal bases would be covered.