timhulio wrote:Fender Sergio Vallin sig. I like this body shape. It's like an offset Strat, looks like something Musicman would make with maybe a touch of Performer.
Huh. I was at NAMM and I missed this guitar at the Fender booth, but to be honest the fender booth was way too crowded to see anything.
Doog wrote:The perfect marriage of Teh Kurdtz and Teh Durstz.
I missed this one too, though from far afar
It's not amazing, but it is interesting. SSH is a snore fest, but what's the bridge? Kinda looks like it's just a standard dual fulcrum Strat bridge on a Jag/Jazz plate...
ekwatts wrote:That's American cinema, that is. Fucking sparkles.
I quite like it. Not so keen on the control plate/knobs, but I could get used to them. I'd also swap the tort guard for the black, but that's just me. Dunno who Sergio Vallin is, but it's an interesting take on the whole strat thing.
theshadowofseattle wrote:It's just a strat bridge with a plate around it.
It looks quite nice in black.
Reverend also have a Tricky Gomez with P90s. I didn't mention it because much as I love the colours and shape (including the headstock, honestly what's wrong with it?) I can't get over the flat top.
When I read the title and saw timhulio created the thread, I was excited. But this thread cements NAMM 2015 was crap on the guitar side. The Synths took all the magic.
paul_ wrote:When are homeland security gonna get on this "2-piece King Size Snickers" horseshit that showed up a couple years ago? I've started dropping one of them on the floor of my car every time.
timhulio wrote:Okay, so what we've seen so far has been disappointing. This thread is for the positive stuff, or even just the surprising and different.
Fender Sergio Vallin sig. I like this body shape. It's like an offset Strat, looks like something Musicman would make with maybe a touch of Performer.
You're saying this is "good stuff"? This fucking bastard offspring of a Yamaha Pacifica, a vintage Ibanez Blazer, a Cort G250 and a Musicman Silhouette? I think Fender has forgotten a floyd rose trem bridge for an Ibanez-esque touch
-Guitar: Squier VM Mustang, Squier CV '50 Duo Sonic;
-Amplifier: Hughes&Kettner Blue Edition 60;
-FXs: Dunlop Cry Baby GCB-95 Wah, Boss BD-2 Blues Drive, Proco RAT, Danelectro Cool Cat Tremolo, EH Small Clone, MUZA FD900, Bespeco Volume pedal.
The bar is set low. This is the most interesting guitar of NAMM 2015.
"Yamaha Pacifica, a vintage Ibanez Blazer, a Cort G250 and a Musicman Silhouette". Uh these guitars are all kinda cool. Well maybe not the Cort. I ain't never heard of that one.