WARNING: I know its generally forbidden to do this but...I use a vintage mintgreen pickguard from WD on an Arctic White (not traditional color-sorta neon marker yellow mix) I figured this would look cool since this color was too strange for a tortoise pickguard. The original pickguard was one layer, didnt fit, and was finally beginning to crack/warp. Some black accent hardware, a musicmaster bridge, and a neck swap would give this abused guitar "new life." I plan on upgrading pickups eventually but I want to get this working before fully investing.

^ On the left black pickup covers for a mustang with black round barrel knobs and the WD mintgreen pickguard 3 layers with black trim and black screws (Im planning on getting black pickups screws as well)

^ this pickguard was always like this but started to warp around the pickups as well

^ beginning to crack

^ this missing nut helped motivate the neck swap also the frets looked thin and running out of life

^new black hardware (string guides, ferrules, strap knobs, etc)

^ At this point I needed to trim the pickguard from WD because there was a slight lip which wouldnt allow the neck to fit back on

^ comparing the mim duo bridge to the musicmaster from angela

^ Progress so far, Test fit bridge, and filed the pickguard.