light rail coyote wrote:I can see the grain dissapearing in spots. I wont be able to concentrate in my constitutional law class now. I'll just be thinking of how to speed up the drying process so I can get ahead
Haha... can't wait to see your work dude. The grain is really disappearing now, I think two more coats or so ought to do it.
Cowbell, should I block sand before I put the next primer coat on there?
light rail coyote wrote:I can see the grain dissapearing in spots. I wont be able to concentrate in my constitutional law class now. I'll just be thinking of how to speed up the drying process so I can get ahead
Haha... can't wait to see your work dude. The grain is really disappearing now, I think two more coats or so ought to do it.
Cowbell, should I block sand before I put the next primer coat on there?
I sand between major coats, it makes it smoother everytime.
light rail coyote wrote:I can see the grain dissapearing in spots. I wont be able to concentrate in my constitutional law class now. I'll just be thinking of how to speed up the drying process so I can get ahead
Haha... can't wait to see your work dude. The grain is really disappearing now, I think two more coats or so ought to do it.
Cowbell, should I block sand before I put the next primer coat on there?
I sand between major coats, it makes it smoother everytime.
So wait til after the primer coating is done to sand before the color coat? or what?
Billy3000 wrote:
Haha... can't wait to see your work dude. The grain is really disappearing now, I think two more coats or so ought to do it.
Cowbell, should I block sand before I put the next primer coat on there?
I sand between major coats, it makes it smoother everytime.
So wait til after the primer coating is done to sand before the color coat? or what?
I'll usually do some pretty heavy white primer coats and let them dry overnight then sand the next day and do another heavy coat and if it looks good the next day then I'll block sand it with 600grit, make sure it looks good in just primer (nice and smooth) and then shoot the color coats on. The primer stages are important, do a good job on those so that your color will look nice then, do the clear coat wet sanding like reranch does and you'll have a perfect guitar. Basically just pretend your making a primer guitar, so make it look as good as possible in primer before going to the color.
Alright, I think I'm almost done with the primer coats! FINALLY!!! I put a heavy coat on last night and then sanded it today and it looked much better, a lot of those rough spots have pretty much disappeared. After that I put another heavy coat on the rough spots, and it's been drying all afternoon. I'm gonna sand it smooth tonight and I'm thinking that after that it will be ready for the color coat! It is looking a lot better now! Photobucket is being slow as hell right now so I can't upload the pics at the moment... I will hopefully be able to post the pics later tonight when I get back from my girlfriend's.
Ok I sanded that down and it looked awesome, probably good enough to go ahead and color coat it but there were a few very small areas and I still had almost half a can of primer left... So I put some more primer on the problem areas, I will sand that smooth tomorrow when I get back from class and start on the color coat! Pics will be up as soon as I get some color on there!
Here's a pic of the front of it now. I started with the color coat today. Right now the top has 3 coats. I might put one more lighter coat on the front, one more on the back, and then the sides need to be gone over with at least one or two more coats... It's really hard to paint it the way that I have the guitar hanging right now. I'm going to finish the color coat tomorrow. Right now I have a pretty bad headache and the smell of the spray paint really isn't helping, and I just have had a shitty day and feel like I just want to go to bed and not do anything else today. So enjoy this pic... more to come tomorrow.
Tomorrow I should finish the color coat up and at least start on the clear. This project is coming along nicely.
edit: Actually wait... I think someone was telling me that I need to wait a day or two after spraying the color coat to let it dry thoroughly before clear coating it... is that really necessary or not?
Billy3000 wrote:Tomorrow I should finish the color coat up and at least start on the clear. This project is coming along nicely.
edit: Actually wait... I think someone was telling me that I need to wait a day or two after spraying the color coat to let it dry thoroughly before clear coating it... is that really necessary or not?
NO, as soon as you think the color is good to go and dry, not cured, you can start clear coating. you just want to wait like it says on the can before you start wet sanding the clear.
LOOKS REALLY GOOD BILLY, mine looked like that before the clear went on!!! GOOD JORB!