Posted a few weeks ago about selling off some of my guitars, so I've sold my Melody Maker, Vintage V100gt, plus a load of unused guitar pedals, and my Blacktop telecaster is currently on the eBayz... That leaves me with my highway 1 Tele (my no 1 guitar), my Epiphone Riviera (sort of my first guitar, good guitar. Mega sentimental value but I don't really play it any more), and my Eko Ranger Vi (everyone needs an acoustic).
So I bought this:
I figure between this my Tele and my acoustic I've got all the guitars I need... I also have a bass but that's not a guitar... Right!?
Last edited by dezb1 on Wed Mar 25, 2015 11:05 pm, edited 3 times in total.
I like it! Would also like it more with a full size scratchplate
Anyone after something similar (but with thinner neck and weirdo tuners) Thomann is selling these SG Future Tributes for less than £400(!)
My SG Jr arrived yesterday, and I almost had a Benecol "is this really how you pack a guitar?" rant at the seller, but held my tongue as through sheer luck it's in perfect shape. Update when I've played it for another day or two.
That was short lived, place I ordered it from just called to tell me they don't have that in stock any more, they sold the last one earlier in the week... Bastard!
Full size! Mine came with one and I wouldn't have it any other way. I can't seem to find any good pictures of it by itself, it is much more brown than it looks here...
Black 'guard + zebra 'bucker has become a thing for me it seems.
Need to wait on a refund now before I can do anything... "My order has been cancelled and has been passed on to the accounts dept for a refund" no mention of how long this will take.