paul_ wrote:It hasn't always been difficult at all in the States, that cracked off in '99
That makes sense... I started playing in '94 and remember trying out a MIJ Jag, MIJ Jazz, and Jag-Stang at my local GC around '96. Never saw a Mustang there, however. I couldn't really afford to start buying guitars until after I finished college in '00. So, I missed the brief window of MIJ availability in the States.
By the way, the Classic Series Mustang is still on Fender's website... for now.
HellaMelos wrote:Looks like I missed it. How much is a "good" price on a vintage mustang?
I got mine as a refin (in correct Dakota Red)...1965 all-original in excellent condition, OHSC, from a vintage dealer for $875. Atlanta Premier Guitar. Google them and see if he can find something for ya.