name that bass!

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name that bass!

Post by Nick »


The guitarist in the band I play bass for just bought this to play bass in my band . GC sold it as a Tiesco but it doesn't look like most of the ones I've seen. Definitely Japanese but can't place the brand.
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Post by Dillon »

Man, that's a good one. It does look very much like a Teisco, but there are so many unknown brands of that era.

Only thing I found was this. It's not exactly the same, but maybe some variation. Based on that I'd guess just what it says, Norma or Kimberly. The tuners are different but that doesn't mean they haven't been replaced at some point.

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Post by paul_ »

The bass Dillon posted is a Kimberly. I'm guessing it's one of those designs sold by a number of brands along the lines of Norma/National/Weltron/Jolana and a fuckload forgotten others. The black headstock reminds me more of Tesico Audition and National basses from this era than Norma or Kimberly, which I always see with bursted headstocks.


And by that I mean JCYPHE HALP
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Post by jcyphe »

One on fleaBay. It's unmarked but being advertised as a Teisco and missing the bridge cover you see on a zillion japanese bass guitars.

paul_ wrote:When are homeland security gonna get on this "2-piece King Size Snickers" horseshit that showed up a couple years ago? I've started dropping one of them on the floor of my car every time.
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Post by damienblair17 »

I used to have a bass super similar to that the one in question. Always thought it was a Teisco.

Doog wrote:The perfect marriage of Teh Kurdtz and Teh Durstz.