As a proof of concept I replaced all the passive components in the Dresden Synth Fuzz with surface mount equivalents. I'll hang onto this pedal for a while to check reliability. However, I can confirm it sounds exactly the same as the through-hole version (as it should).
Another Zombie Klone demo, nicely done. Old shape, but same sound as the new one. Following the release of the Soul Food, Klone sales dropped sharply, but they're creeping back up now people have realised it's not all that
The new version of the Demon Fuzz is here. This is a great sounding mid-gain fuzz based on the EH IC Muff Fuzz (only with more gain). You can now choose between buffered or non-buffered variants.
New stockist!
Pleased to announce that Nottingham City Guitars are now stocking Fredric Effects pedals. They've also got a rather cool selection of vintage gear and do repairs and setups.
These are the pedals from the Darkness pledge commission from a couple of months back. I think they've all reached their recipients now, so no harm sharing.
All lined-up:
Testing! We ran through the lot twice, so this took a little while
Got reviewed in Guitar & Bass magazine. Which is something I thought would never happen as I've never bought advertising. Also a bit odd- I've been do this job for about four years officially, and not one of the UK guitar mags have tried to sell me an advert.
Now there's a whole family of Unpleasant Companions!
Super Unpleasant Companion: FY2 Companion Fuzz + FY6 Superfuzz in one sloped enclosure the same dimensions as the classic FY2.
Unpleasant Companion: updated Shin-Ei FY2 with a volume boost circuit and scoop control
Deeply Unpleasant Companion: designed for bass, but also great on guitar, has buffered clean blend for clarity and improved bass response.
Testing the production PCBs for the pedals for the Future of the Left pledge campaign. 46 of these sold-out in about a week, which is great. Now to build the things! Everything checks-out okay on this first set of boards, so the next step is to take the plans to the company who will fabricate the enclosures.
I think the Future of the Left Stompenboxen pedals are arriving with those who ordered them now, so it's safe to share a pic of the finished item. Here's all fifty of them getting tested.