JJLipton wrote:dots wrote:Marshall is my first love, but I'm srsly considering dumping my jvm in favor of a Vox ac30. The studio we have been rehearsing at has a jcm900 and Vox, and I have really taken to the pedals through the latter approach. Gotta get the jvm repaired first tho.
Now don't get me wrong, the JVM is a great amp! Plenty of gain on tap, tight sound. A little noisy on the red channel but very good tone. I really don't like using pedals over the clean channel of an amp for distortion, so it's important for me that an amp has a good drive sound.
I highly recommend this amp:
► Show Spoiler
Or my old love,
If you play through these you may find your dirt pedals to be obsolete!
those (and sloan's suggestion) look/seem pretty rad, but i'm going combo and under $1000 for this purchase. it's gotta be tube powered with minimum one 12" speaker and have at least 30w since i already have a 15w combo. a separate drive channel would be great to have, but it isn't a requirement.
i walked over to guitar center yesterday to try out what they had in stock. the twin reverb was, of course, the best overall tone with those incredible low frequencies and glass-shattering highs. it's way overkill, though, even if i can pick one up used for $500 - $700. i wasn't impressed with any other fender -- not the blues, not the deluxe, not the hot rod. anytime you engaged the overdrive on those, it lost all bass and sounded squashed to shit.
i tried a couple marshall combos and was very disappointed. the clean tone is honest and true, but wtf is up with the new DSL overdrive? it sounds plastic and lifeless. i had to double-check that it wasn't a solidstate version. especially considering what they get for those amps, i couldn't believe my ears.
i didn't try any of the orange amps as they were all heads or solidstate. i do notice there's a dude in LA with a th30 combo for $700 on craigslist, so that is on my maybe pile.
the vox ac 30 sounded lovely and was the only thing i plugged into that rivaled the fender twin for tone and power. they're both heavy as fuck, though, so casters would be in my future since i have such a long walk to my car from the apartment. the ac 15 lacked the punch, and the night train was just not my style. someone's got an ac 30 for $800 on craigslist, and he's way more local. i might offer him $700 and see what happens.