When I put the design together I was thinking of a Tele Plus mixed with a Jag-Stang. String through hardtail bridge, single humbucker setup, full scale neck, but with a Jag-Stang body shape with contours. I love my Tele Plus, but I like the Jag-Stang body shape. (Especially when it is contoured.)
It all turned out great.... so I want another one. This one I want to have some more Telecaster Plus elements to it. I already had a white Lace Sensor neck pickup from a guitar and a red/red humbucker to go with it. I sold the humbucker because it was black and the neck pickup was white. Used the cash to get a white version to match. I also took the neck from the Peavey that I had made in to a sort of tele plus for this project.
So long story short, I am having another body built to match the one I have, but with new electronic elements and a different look. Cooterfinger is taking the year off from projects, so I asked the builder who painted my Jag-Stang body if he would make me one and he was on board. These are the details:
Jag-Stang body with contours and string through bridge.
Single neck and pickup ring mounted humbucker like version 1.0 of mine.
500k volume pot and TBX tone pot with push button kill switch.
Heavy On/On/On Duo style toggle.
Peavey neck that I will make a new decal for that is more similar to a Telecaster Plus decal. Not sure what brand I will use for it yet since it won't have a Fender headstock shape.
Walnut stain finish, red tortoise guard, and a metal humbucker mounting ring. (Similar to an older Jag-Stang I did with a Costello vibe.)
Probably white strat knobs ala Costello. (Truth be told I don't know much about Costello as a musician, but i have a coffee table from when I lived at home that is stained like his Jazzmaster and I just love that look. Just looks so cool to me.)
Scott has been busy already. Here are pics. (He just got the neck I sent him today...)