Thanks. Yeah the shape is definitely not upper fret friendly. More of a three chords and a fuzz pedal guitar.Zack wrote:Very cool, I thought the pro was a cool shape when I saw the reissue a few years ago (cool enough that I had a go at making one, though in hindsight I wish I went with cheaper materials) my only issue with that shape is upper fret access. What are you thinking color wise? I really do like the rustic look of plain masonite.
I was thinking of black with silver flakes like the old Sears Silvertone 1448's. I'm restoring a 1964 Silvertone 1448 and the back and the neck had been spray painted. One flat black and the other blue and red. Go figure.
Anyway, I've stripped that off and repainted it to match the original front. It turned out pretty nice as far as a matching up.