Finally paid this off last week. Is an Anniversary 4001 copy. Made in Korea, I think by Tokai.
Haven't had much time with it plugged in but it feels great. A bit high quality Epiphone feeling.
Only photo I have atm. mashup
theshadowofseattle wrote:less being WOKE
more being STOKED
Funny shaped Epiphone is the best a Ric copy has done for me, but truth be told I really liked my 330 copy as a suitable gigging replacement for my real one. Not only did I not have to worry about it, but there's many places where having a good Ric copy is a bit more cool than the real thing.
I've got that SG as well and been told I look like Ian Curtis. One man Joy Division tribute band. Once I've got my bass amp working properly. Maybe time to hit up a EHX Clone Theory.
It ain't the easiest bass to play tbh. Pretty much only got it cause Rickenbacker copies are rare and it looks cool as fuck.
theshadowofseattle wrote:less being WOKE
more being STOKED
Riding the fake Ric thread coattails, this lame Ric 4080/12 copy with even uglier pickguard recently popped up over here online: EL LANKO.
The bass and 12 string switched, funny R tailpiece + poor fireglo finish make it all look even sillier, if that were possible. Totes devoid of Takeshi double-neck cool.