paul_ wrote:When are homeland security gonna get on this "2-piece King Size Snickers" horseshit that showed up a couple years ago? I've started dropping one of them on the floor of my car every time.
OK. so since around Thanksgiving I have been on a guitar buying binge. basically finally dropping the money I should have before considering how many nights I am out playing.
Still have my black breedlove acoustic electric..
Taylor 114ce (5 months ago - this is now my main stage acoustic)
Martin DCX 12 string a/e
Larivee LV09 (friend needed to sell it so I could not help as it was a 3K guitar new and I got it for a great deal)
G&L ASAT carved top, dual humbucker tele style
Gretsch electromatic forget the model but it is the large hollowbody. All white with gold hardware...
Also dialed in a really nice DI setup so I do not use amps. I bought the sans amp fly rig which is basically a sams amp DI, Delay pedal, Reverb, Overdrive Channel, and Boost all in one small strip. That with a couple pedals for fun (like my EHX b9) and it works well. Even better I can yun either my acoustics or my electrics through it (I turn the sans amp off and an EQ pedal on for acoustic.
Happy guitar man.
Now I just have to remember how to use the uploader and post pics to take a family pic. I will dos o tomorrow and post it up here if I can...
They say great minds think alike....Sometimes we do too...
I've been out for a while, so apologies for the ~BUMP~, but I really dig these. Just enough SG and LP to not be either of them. They look quite slick. Definitely digging the grey one you others are digging as well.