Anyway, this Daphne Blue one popped up for sale locally and I immediately jumped on it. I put Mojo pickups in and it's perfect. The Compstang will now go.

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Comparing my 69RI to my 65RI is like comparing a regular CIJ/MIJ Jaguar/Jazzmaster to an AVRI. The 69RI is very good, just like all CIJ/MIJs are, but the 65RI is in a different league. It has better pickups (with cloth wiring), thicker and shinier control and vibrato plates, a bridge without gaps between the saddles, proper brass shielding plates, Switchcraft switches and jack, CTS pots with US-size knobs, an actual bone nut(!), and a vintage-correct body shape with smoother edges. The 65RI is also made of poplar (as were the originals), which is maybe why it's much louder acoustically too.singlepup wrote:Yeah, I love Daphne Stangs. Have always gone back and forth when it comes to 65 RIs vs 69/72 RIs. Have never owned either.
paul_ wrote:When are homeland security gonna get on this "2-piece King Size Snickers" horseshit that showed up a couple years ago? I've started dropping one of them on the floor of my car every time.
It was around $500 can't remember the exact price because they had the '65 and the Pawnshop.singlepup wrote:How much were they during the Best Buy clear out?
I know I'm being finicky about 65 vs 69, but in reality I'd love to have either if the price were right. I've had a Musicmaster and a Jag-Stang but never an actual Mustang.
paul_ wrote:When are homeland security gonna get on this "2-piece King Size Snickers" horseshit that showed up a couple years ago? I've started dropping one of them on the floor of my car every time.
I concur, all three of my guitars have Mojo pickups. Great bloke and the pickups make your guitar sound like they should do.Noisy Cat wrote:They're great; I've got them in all four of my guitars. Well priced and great service from the bloke (Marc) as well.bulletbill wrote:Could you tell us more about the Mojo pickups? I'm considering some for my MG73.
In my experience, they are not the same shape... albeit I am comparing a mid-2000s AVRI Jag and a Vista Series CIJ Jagmaster (which has a Jaguar neck according to experts).71Smallbox wrote:What exactly about the neck on the MIJ Jag do you like versus the AVRI?singlepup wrote:I actually favor MIJ Jags over AVRI because I prefer the necks.
Fralins are great, too. They'll make any of their Strat sets for a Mustang. I have the Blues Special set.bulletbill wrote:Could you tell us more about the Mojo pickups? I'm considering some for my MG73.
I used to feel this way, but I've realized that a lot of these things are just a difference between eras, too. In the 90s, the Mustang RI you could buy overseas was what they'd call in Japan an MG69. In the 00s, the Mustang RI you could buy overseas was what they call an MG65 in Japan. The 00s MG65 is strictly better than the 90s MG69, but a lot of the build quality superiority that the 00s MG65s has over the 90s MG69s is reflected in the more recent MG69 and MG73 Reissues, too.Noisy Cat wrote:Comparing my 69RI to my 65RI is like comparing a regular CIJ/MIJ Jaguar/Jazzmaster to an AVRI. The 69RI is very good, just like all CIJ/MIJs are, but the 65RI is in a different league. It has better pickups (with cloth wiring), thicker and shinier control and vibrato plates, a bridge without gaps between the saddles, proper brass shielding plates, Switchcraft switches and jack, CTS pots with US-size knobs, an actual bone nut(!), and a vintage-correct body shape with smoother edges. The 65RI is also made of poplar (as were the originals), which is maybe why it's much louder acoustically too.singlepup wrote:Yeah, I love Daphne Stangs. Have always gone back and forth when it comes to 65 RIs vs 69/72 RIs. Have never owned either.
In my experience the only reason to favour the 69RI would be because you had to have the competition stripes and/or the body contours (which aren't even needed on a Mustang-size body). I can't speak for 72RIs but I assume they're largely the same specs as the 69s.