I originally set out to build myself a Jazzmaster, but as I started making templates and such I figured I may as well build something a little more unique and maybe inspired by guitars of days long passed. So I set out to collect parts, and one source pleasantly surprised me. I ordered most of the hardware from retailers on Aliexpress. There is tons of stuff on there for guitar building. I also collected the neck from a Squier Bullet Strat, bought from a kid who was selling his guitar and amp so cheap that I can only assume it was because he had no idea of what these things really cost. Probably a spoiled brat who got it for christmas and never really played it.
Anyway, the neck isnt the best, but I didnt want to invest too heavily into something I could have completely fucked up. The pickups are shite too, will have to replace them along with the neck at some point. The body wood is poplar. Bought enough lengths of 8/4 wood for about 4 bodies.
My daughter helping me clean the shop as I build this thing.
Next to my CIJ Jagwar Special
Oh and a word of warning for those who woodwork...wear proper safety goggles when routing. I had safety glasses on (no sides) and a sliver of wood went into my eye. Had red eye rash for 2 days...
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