I figured that since I've lurked and pilfered this forum for info the least I could do is show you folks the end result. (And who doesn't enjoy some guitar porn?) Technically NGD was 2 days ago (Tuesday?), but only just now putting it down long enough for pictures. First guitar for me in, yikes!, over 20 years. Also my first paid for with my own cash, which is fun. I picked up a Squier VM Mustang in vintage white (it's like coffee cream or something). Man is this thing solid. Like survive. Heavier than the Gretsch Jr Jet bass my girl picked up. I also got a nano Big Muff (most excellent) and a Fender Rumble 40 to go with the bass. Enough bs, enjoy the pics if they work. And thanks.
Squier VM Mustang
92-94 Peavey Predator
A&L Acoustic (forget when and what)
All we need is a drummer and then we'll have a band nobody in their right mind would want to listen to.
jagsonic...I hate to break it to your wallet, but it's kind of futile to resist. It's a crazy amount of guitar for the price. Only complaints are the high gloss finish on the neck and crap tuners (but for the price IDGAF about lousy tuners, it's a Squier, I fully expect to put some work into it).
The colour is like some sort of lightly burnt cream/butter. It's really lovely. I'm a happy camper.
Squier VM Mustang
92-94 Peavey Predator
A&L Acoustic (forget when and what)
Brandon W wrote:sounds like you're only a drummer away from playing on the radio and having tons of hit songs.. ha
How did you know my life's ambition is to have my songs playing on the radio next to Bono's..... Momma always did say I had the perfect face for radio.
Squier VM Mustang
92-94 Peavey Predator
A&L Acoustic (forget when and what)
Fakir Mustache wrote:Is that bass really light, or is your Mustang very heavy?
I have a Squier Mustang, and it's heavy as far as Mustangs are concerned, but it's pretty light as far as electric guitars, lighter than most.
The bass is definitely light. Both Fender and Gretsch claim these bodies are made from basswood and my Stang is noticeably heavier, not by a lot. My Peavey is a Strat clone made from poplar and it's way lighter, though it is contoured. I'd have to look up their respective densities to see which is heavier, but I always thought basswood was the lightest. (I'm not at all concerned with the wood, this is purely academic.) When I was at the shop the guy unboxed the new Fender Stangs. One was a normal Stang in olympic white, the other was a Duo-Sonic in metallic seafoam. They were solid like my Stang but I couldn't venture a guess as to weight comparison. The Squier Jag I tried felt like a feather after the Stang, but also contoured like my Peavey.
Squier VM Mustang
92-94 Peavey Predator
A&L Acoustic (forget when and what)
Thanks. I was kind of hoping they'd also have a blue one, but part of me is glad I didn't have to choose. It's so much fun to play that I've hardly put it down since I bought it. Not even to do a half-assed setup beyond fixing rattles. Picked up some locking tuners, some nice Fender's, but sadly those have to wait until tomorrow. I get to put on some heavier strings, too. I'm curious to see how much they affect bends. Probably peek under the hood and see what's going on in there.
Squier VM Mustang
92-94 Peavey Predator
A&L Acoustic (forget when and what)
Locking tuners are on. Man do they make a difference. Seems I didn't make all the holes for the feet deep enough so I gotta do a little adjusting next string change, which won't be too long at this rate. The 10 gauge strings make it a completely different guitar. Bends are actually easier (far less give) and it sounds fuller. One of the neck pickup positions drops the volume to almost nothing, but that's an easy fix.
The only thing I'm not sure about is the volume knob is a bit scratchy--is that because of cheap electronics? More pictures to come at some point. I'm lazy.
Squier VM Mustang
92-94 Peavey Predator
A&L Acoustic (forget when and what)