I've been enticed by that mysterious gold foil sound hole pickup that guitar fetish has for like, $11 on their site and seeing that I've wanted to electrify my acoustic for a long while now (and I in fact did that to my old $100 Yamaha) I decided "fuck it why not" and hit add to Cart on the little fucker. let's just hope it fits the little sound hole on my gretsch jim dandy because I will be very upset if it doesnt. although in the pic it fits like right up to the butt of the neck so it should fit hopefully into the middle of the soundhole on my guitar. oh well I guess we will see in about a week or so fellas
Last edited by luciguci on Thu Dec 29, 2016 1:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
Doog wrote:Tone is stored in the balls
theshadowofseattle wrote:That's why there's two: one for pee, one for tone.
I wanna see if I can't cut the cable open, wire it to a volume pot and one of those end pin jacks and put that in my Jim dandy because that would be the tits
Doog wrote:Tone is stored in the balls
theshadowofseattle wrote:That's why there's two: one for pee, one for tone.
daftsupernova wrote:I wanna see if I can't cut the cable open, wire it to a volume pot and one of those end pin jacks and put that in my Jim dandy because that would be the tits
still trying to make it sound anything remotely like this 3 years later.....
its about as trebbly as the jim dandy, not as metallic sounding as yours....thats what i like most about your guitar, it picks up every tiny little finger move on the strings with a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeechetaaaaaaaaahhh . this video makes it sound like a fuckin chello
It's mic'd up and plugged in; probably a combination of both those sounds, man. Also tuned to Eb which'll have an effect (my new little parlour acoustic is tuned to Eb forever now).
Doog wrote:It's mic'd up and plugged in; probably a combination of both those sounds, man. Also tuned to Eb which'll have an effect (my new little parlour acoustic is tuned to Eb forever now).