why the fuck are squier mustang basses discontinued

The original shortscale guitars; Mustangs, Duo-Sonics, Musicmasters, Jaguars, Broncos, Jag-stang, Jagmaster, Super-Sonic, Cyclone, and Toronados.

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why the fuck are squier mustang basses discontinued

Post by luciguci »

the Mikey Way (my favorite looking one) and the VM basses are all discontinued and I'm pissed because no one is selling them secondhand anymore. I was planning on buying a Mikey way when I finally got a job but now my only option is someone selling it for $625 with a hardshell case that I don't need

it's not Thursday yet but I haet this

I'm high right now and I'm mad about this
Doog wrote:Tone is stored in the balls
theshadowofseattle wrote:That's why there's two: one for pee, one for tone.
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Post by singlepup »

If you wait it out, you can probably find one at a decent price after a few months.

Did you get a job?
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Post by luciguci »

not yet I keep applying to places and nowhere has called back
Doog wrote:Tone is stored in the balls
theshadowofseattle wrote:That's why there's two: one for pee, one for tone.
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Post by BearBoy »

There's that new Fender PJ one:


Probably more spendy though (and no sparklez).

Good luck with the job hunting!
Fran wrote:I love how this place is basic as fuck.
ekwatts wrote:I'm just going to smash it in with a hammer and hope it works. Tone is all in the fingers anyway.
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Post by StevePirates »

A Mikey Way popped up used on Guitar Center for a ridiculously low price. By the time I clicked through to swoop it up, it was already gone.
Hell is other people.
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Post by StevePirates »

Hell is other people.
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Post by Nick »

So stupid. For ages it was the only one you could get. I didn't like the pale maple otherwise it'd be cool to have. When they were like 200 all day. Good luck on your search, I'll keep an eye out locally
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Post by luciguci »

yeah I don't like the new fender mustang basses, too boring imo. I like the simplicity of a single pickup mustang, and especially that humbucker on the Mikey way, it's fucking good. there aren't too many demos of it out there but the few that I've seen make it sound like it's exactly what I'm looking for. plus it's got the scumbag sparkle
Doog wrote:Tone is stored in the balls
theshadowofseattle wrote:That's why there's two: one for pee, one for tone.
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Post by Cymbaline »

Hope you get one.
I took the pickguard off mine to free up more sparkles!
I call her Quicksilver. And yes she is a tone beast!
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Post by luciguci »

literally the first thing I'm doing with this bass once I get my hands on one is putting it through mode 1 on my super fuzz. it's so fucking good
Doog wrote:Tone is stored in the balls
theshadowofseattle wrote:That's why there's two: one for pee, one for tone.
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Post by Cymbaline »

I highly recommend the EB Cobalt bass strings, the "power slinky" kind is great on shortscale. 55-110.
I dont mind shamelessly plugging these strings, they sound so much better than any other kind I've ever heard.

I tried to put even fatter stings on it but the E string keeps snapping because the short scale doesnt allow for the tapered part of the string to wind around the peg head.
I wanted to put the fucker in BEAD. But alas, I'll have to knab the Pawn Shop reverse Jag Bass in CAR if I wanna do that.

I had the Squier Jag bass, and the Mikey Way blows it away in tone. And those fuckin' sparkles maaaaaan, it's like a glass shelled bass with liquid silver slurry inside!
I really think the Mikey Way is the best value you can get, definitely as cool as the Fender mustang basses, at 1/3 the cost.
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Post by Phil O'Keefe »

BearBoy wrote:There's that new Fender PJ one:


Probably more spendy though (and no sparklez).

Good luck with the job hunting!
They're $550 "street" new in the USA. No gig bag or case included.

Stay tuned - I have one on loan and will publish a review of it soon over on Harmony Central... and while I don't want to give the conclusions away early, I will say that I think it's a nicer instrument than the Squiers.
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Post by singlepup »

daftsupernova wrote:I like the simplicity of a single pickup
daftsupernova wrote:I like the simplicity of a single pickup
daftsupernova wrote:I like the simplicity of a single pickup
daftsupernova wrote:I like the simplicity of a single pickup
daftsupernova wrote:I like the simplicity of a single pickup
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Post by aen »

Man, when I saw the front of those mustang basses I just about shit. Then I went and grabbed one, and of course, barely satin "finished" neck. Not quite the "unfinished bone white affinity squier" shit, but not a whole lot better.
HARD FROWN. I wonder if a vintage neck would fit in that pocket? THAT would make quite a bass, IMO.
High quality, low popularity Ecstatic Fury