So.. um, I bought a new bass.
One of those new Mustang PJ ones.
I took these pretty much the moment I got home, on Sept. 9th, before immediately taking the thing apart to check on the wiring, routes, etc.
Plays beautifully, even with the stock setup.
I'm a big fan of the P-bass mid pickup and Jazz-Bass bridge pickup combo, probably why I kept my Squire Jagbass (well the second one..)
I do miss the classic Mustang bass pickup a little, but find with my setup and this new proj I'm in this rounds out the TONEZ a bit better for me.
Gut shots I'll have to track down a they are in my instagram (@Jim_Nowhere if you want to hunt yourself) and still on my phone, I think, So I may end up doing a thread about that in the build section.
Two things I noticed,
1 the input/output jack wasn't grounded so I fixed that right off the bat - not sure if I was "lucky" and got one the factory f'd up on or if they all come like that.
2 Ran a ground wire to the bridge, because.. well that should be obvious, and maybe there is one that runs to the bridge pickup I don't know but i didn't see one so added my own.
outside of that it was perfect, it had no grounding issues without either of those wires (I was a little surprised not to find them honestly) but I prefer them there.
did a minor intonation/adjustment once everything was back together as I prefer my strings a bit closer to the neck then it ships.
Fret ends are lovely stock, though I'll probably do a set & dressing on them when I change strings in 6 months or so.
oh and that Jaguar you see the but of in the first photo?
it's behind the spoiler
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it's a CP I got from our old pal Aen back in 2009, had him spray the NOIZE stencil on it, while I replaced the neck humbucker for an avri pickup, and then the baseball bat neck with a 64 duosonic II neck that is missing the bottom 3 frets.