Is a Jaguar/LesPaul out of bounds for this site?
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Are you building it for profit and trying to start a business, or is this a hobby where you are looking to recoup some cost and maybe build the next one?royb8s wrote:Thanks Nick. I know that handbuilt stuff is all subjective, and only worth what someone is willing to pay. I know that I am not a known builder, and buying a guitar is a very personal thing. Personally, I would never buy one online, just because I would want to feel it and play it first, but that's just me. Would $1000, $1500, or $2000 be anywhere in range or am I just dreaming? I honestly don't have an idea.
I think this is one of the problems with the guitar business. Some people want craftsmanship, quality materials and components, and new or original design but very few want to pay for it or can afford to pay for it.
paul_ wrote:When are homeland security gonna get on this "2-piece King Size Snickers" horseshit that showed up a couple years ago? I've started dropping one of them on the floor of my car every time.
It's a really well built guitar and it was obvious during the process that you care about the details. I think no one can really evaluate your guitar better than you yourself, so I'd say try to put any price that is in your opinion is appropriate and see how it'll work out. Nick's advice about adding pictures of the process is great
matte30is wrote:Someone man up and get a balloon.