I ordered the pickups for this last week, and decided that I was satisfied with the finish on the body.
A note on the finish: I have had it flatter and shinier, but always with some flaw or other. I live in a basement flat off a main road and it seems to be a bit of a dust trap. If I leave a guitar alone for two or three weeks it's caked in dust. After two months it'll be so dusty that it will need new strings and a deep clean to make it playable again. Trying to get a good finish has been a constant battle. At a certain point I had to decide that I was giving it one more go, and whatever I ended up with would have to do. I did this probably half a dozen times! I'm happy with the finish I ended up with, and I suspect it will wear anyway, I don't think Tru-Oil is particularly durable.
I took the body into school on Thursday to drill the holes for the studs for the bridge and the pickups arrived today.
Today I put it together, and added a 7-sound switch.
Still waiting on black knobs and tip switch to arrive. I "aged" the white ones that came with the kit using the same wood stain as the body and they are awful looking!
Still needs intonated, and I've shimmed the neck to give the vibrato a bit more play. I will have to rout a little bit out of the trem cavity at some point so that I can do more divebomz, but it works as it should, returns to pitch each time and feels good for whammies.
The sound of it is excellent. Completely silent, the neck and middle are amazing. Still getting used to the bridge, which is bright and clear despite being humbuckery. I might need to fiddle with pickup heights to get it where I want.