I stopped by my local pawnshop yesterday. They have mostly crap there but once in a while some thing really interesting shows up and lo and behold there is what looks like a shiny new Valco amp. It was behind the counter in a corner so I couldn't get a good look. I saw it said "Valco" and "Trojan".The price tag was $400,which is alot of money for a pawnshop amp.I couldn't figure out what I was looking at,something was missing..it wasn't until I got home and looked it up on the internet that I realized what it was: The Supro Logo was missing! Here is the same amp With the logo(from a reverb ad) and some vids. The Tremolo on this amp is great! Here is one that just sold on Ebay
Modern day vintage style boutique amp vs Old school real deal Amps.
Both expensive, unless you get lucky and find it cheap at a pawn shop. Which will undoubtedly never happen to newer boutique amps, because their owners expect the most money back when selling those bitches.
I just posted this company because I saw them the other day for the first time, and sort of like the old school wooden look to it. But knew the boutique price isn't as bad as others but still pricey Bouty none the less.