So I said why not. I remember the original Silvertone Hornet I had a few years back quite fondly, and this seemed like a cheap way to get that tone back.
After what seemed like forever (38 minutes), I arrived in the Volusia County fairgrounds. An older gentleman comes out of a Ford F150 with the guitar in hand, a quick inspection later, and I gave him the money.
When I got back, I immediately plugged it in... and was blown away by the twang! SO MUCH TWANG. Imagine the a twangy song, now imagine it twangier, now just a little bit more. Then deep fry it. That's how twangy this guitar is. I could have fun with it.
The neck is super smooth, frets are nicely dressed, and the trem is definitely weird. Tuning held fairly well.
And now for the bad.
I don't know which control is which, and if one of the pots is at 100%, no noise comes through. Since I have no soldering iron, multimeter, or free time when I get back to Miami, I need to take care of this now, while i'm in Orlando. So off to find a tech, or some tools.
Also, the control plate at the bottom is plastic and it's scratched some of the top paint off. But that's an easy fix with some spray paint on a weekend day.
And finally, pics: