I'm planning to put a pair of zebras in my strattype guitar and i'm curious for the arrangement. Most zebras are mounted black-white -- white-black or white-black -- black white.
But i think it looks better black-white -- black-white.
Does it make any difference in sound?
Depends on the pickup, I guess. I'd wager there'll be little difference in sound, but it won't introduce phasing or hum-cancellation issues or anything.
Unless you really fuck it up.
That config makes my eyes hurt, like its some optical illusion shit going down.
In my zebras are the black sides adjustable. So it should like the second image. But my question is, if i mount like the on the first, would it be bad sounding?
If you've got your adjustable polepieces raised higher than the others, the pickup will be more 'biased' towards that coil's sound. So, if that coil is nearer the bridge, the pickup will sound a little thinner, if it's nearer the neck, it'll sound a little thicker.
Long story short, it won't sound 'bad'. It'll sound slightly different. If you're SPLITTING the coils for singlecoil fun, it'll have an even bigger effect, as per the above.