She asked me what I wanted for valentine's day. I say "pay my medical bills for me", and she says "No. We're fighting with the hospital and insurance company" (tl;dr, had a diverticular flareup in late December, hospital billed insurance incorrectly, and now I've received approximately $15k in medical bills which my insurance should mostly cover. She's writing the appropriate letters for me because she's an insurance attorney and this is what she does for a living).
Anyway, so I told her, I want a new guitar.
"Which one?"
"Give me a few minutes"
So I go on GC's Used website, looked through a few guitars I thought were interesting, until I found a unicorn. I log in, add the unicorn to my cart, and give her my login info.
15 minutes later, I get a receipt in my inbox. This morning, I get a shipping notification.
Here's the guitar: Sonic Blue Vista Jagmaster, with a mustang trem (!!!), and what I assume are different pickups (or stock pickups in covers). I've had three other Vista Jagmasters before, which I loved and had to get rid of when I moved to the states. Also, this would be my first sonic blue one (others were CAR, Oly White, and Sunburst)
I'll know more once it arrives next week and I examine it. For now, here are pics:

The downside... I know how much this cost, so I need to upgrade her present :X