I picked up a Gretsch Streamliner in a trade while I was clearing out a load of stuff I don't se anymore (this was traded for an iPad i bought to use on the plane on holiday that hadn't been touched since). The guitar is most likely going to be fitted with a pair of Gibson P90s (spare set) and a set of Grovers but I'm struggling with what to switch out the ugly knobs for.
Option 1 black witch hat type (should look good with the P90s and the guitar colour but not really in-keeping with the vibe of the guitar)
Option 2 Gretsch pointed G silver Standards (like every other Gretsch)
Option 3 you tell me? Any combinations you've used/seen that are cool.
Nice. That's the route I was feeling would be the way forward (I have these on my SG and Tele custom). It looks good with the guard matching the binding too. If I go down the P90 route it'll need a new guard too...