NAD: Basic ass blues jr.

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NAD: Basic ass blues jr.

Post by Josh »

Pics of this sucker will be up in a little bit, but after just using silvertone amps the last few years I decided I wanted something small, affordable, loud, etc. basically something more consistent and fendery. I wanna play some gigs this fall with my new band so I figured I needed something that can go to clubs/bars/tours without me feeling like I have my child there. Overall I was kinda nervous about these because of the size, and didn’t know if it would be loud enough, but after using it at our last practice I’m seriously impressed. Definitely gets more than loud enough for practice and will be good mid’d up on stage. Was stuck between something like a Princeton or a deluxe reverb since I’m over taking big heavy shit to play 30 minutes to x amount of people when the amp is always mic’d up anyway. Decided to save money bite on one of these and used the left over cash to buy a classic vibe strat (thread incoming on that too), finish off the basic rig.

Any of you guys fuck with these boring little things? I’m really stoked on it. Should’ve bought one of these years ago.
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Post by singlepup »

I used to rent an hourly rehearsal room that came with a Blues Jr. I loved that amp... tone for days. Was one of the main reasons I later decided to get a DRRI.

From 2007 to 2017, I was all about Fender amps. I owned a Blues Deluxe, a Vibro Champ, a Rivera-era Concert, and the aforementioned DRRI. Now I'm in love with Orange amps, but Fenders are popular for good reason.
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Post by Noirie. »

Noirie. wrote:Image