<-------VOL KNOB------->
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<-------VOL KNOB------->
is there such a thing....how do i explain this
say you got two pickups. no tone knob fuck an tone knob.
does anyone make a volume knob where if you turn it all the way to the left it turns one pickup up all the way, middle is both on all the way, and all the way to the right is the other pickup on all the way.
so like on(off)- ONON- (off)on
is this a thing?
or it could be like on(off) - OFF OFF - (off)on if you wanted only one pickup at a time instead of blending both you would be bleeding each out as you approach centre
say you got two pickups. no tone knob fuck an tone knob.
does anyone make a volume knob where if you turn it all the way to the left it turns one pickup up all the way, middle is both on all the way, and all the way to the right is the other pickup on all the way.
so like on(off)- ONON- (off)on
is this a thing?
or it could be like on(off) - OFF OFF - (off)on if you wanted only one pickup at a time instead of blending both you would be bleeding each out as you approach centre
dots wrote:incesticide
It sounds like you want a blend pot.
paul_ wrote:When are homeland security gonna get on this "2-piece King Size Snickers" horseshit that showed up a couple years ago? I've started dropping one of them on the floor of my car every time.
im thinking of how like a PAN knob works on a recorder. give the knob no hard stop point, just infinite spinny knob
9oclock bridge is full volume alone
12oclock both are full volume alone
3oclock neck is full volume alone
6oclock is both off
all times between 9,12 and 3 are increasing volumes to max 12
all times between 3,6, and 9 are decreasing volumes to minimum at 6
one knob for the whole guitar like this.

9oclock bridge is full volume alone
12oclock both are full volume alone
3oclock neck is full volume alone
6oclock is both off
all times between 9,12 and 3 are increasing volumes to max 12
all times between 3,6, and 9 are decreasing volumes to minimum at 6
one knob for the whole guitar like this.

dots wrote:incesticide
That would be 4-way rotary switch, not a knob, if you just want on/off settings. I thought you basically wanted a fader like on a mixer where you have A--AB--B. I don't know that there is a four position switch/knob that does what you want with the concentric volume control.
paul_ wrote:When are homeland security gonna get on this "2-piece King Size Snickers" horseshit that showed up a couple years ago? I've started dropping one of them on the floor of my car every time.
By "pan knob on a recorder" I'm going to assume you're talking about an assignable or multi-function encoder on a digital mixer/portastudio/usb-midi controller type unit. I don't know if this is really doable in an analog potentiometer (maybe it is? I don't even know but have never seen that).
Broadcaster/Tele Bridge Blend Pot wiring is closest to what you're saying. It would be a pot with a beginning and an end stopping point, and a center detent (notch in middle to "feel" the halfway point, like an actual hardware pan pot) which would blend the neck pickup into the bridge pickup setting. You would still have a switch and a volume knob. That whole idea of blending in "pickup off" settings on a variable-signal knob is really weird and I'm not sure that'd be doable with standard components.
The blend pot wiring for a Broadcaster would work best for you, you could even do it on your Duo-Strat. It does indeed entail "fuck an tone knob" as well.

Broadcaster/Tele Bridge Blend Pot wiring is closest to what you're saying. It would be a pot with a beginning and an end stopping point, and a center detent (notch in middle to "feel" the halfway point, like an actual hardware pan pot) which would blend the neck pickup into the bridge pickup setting. You would still have a switch and a volume knob. That whole idea of blending in "pickup off" settings on a variable-signal knob is really weird and I'm not sure that'd be doable with standard components.
The blend pot wiring for a Broadcaster would work best for you, you could even do it on your Duo-Strat. It does indeed entail "fuck an tone knob" as well.

Aug wrote:which one of you bastards sent me an ebay question asking if you can get teh kurdtz with that 64 mustang?
robertOG wrote:fran & paul are some of the original gangstas of the JS days when you'd have to say "phuck"
don't they have pan knobs on old fucking 70's boards that were analog though?
like all the Queen shit is panned all over the place
on Appetite for Destruction Izzy came out the left speaker and Slash came out the right speaker, if you can put a whole human being L or R surely you can put 2 pickups B and N 40 years later right ?
nick awesome video. (the blend knob never made it on screen lol, but we all got the idea) thank you
like all the Queen shit is panned all over the place
on Appetite for Destruction Izzy came out the left speaker and Slash came out the right speaker, if you can put a whole human being L or R surely you can put 2 pickups B and N 40 years later right ?
nick awesome video. (the blend knob never made it on screen lol, but we all got the idea) thank you
dots wrote:incesticide
im not trying to pan out of stereo speakers though. backwards of that. treat the two pickups as separate inputs, and be able to mix them into one MONO output with one knob
something else i was thinking....people have made Leslie Speaker pedals which mimics a sound panning around in a big fucking drum inside a organ going L R L R L R L R L R and they made that thing 20 years ago. surely what im talking about cant be so fucking XFILES ALIEN TECHNOLOGY in 2018 right ?
something else i was thinking....people have made Leslie Speaker pedals which mimics a sound panning around in a big fucking drum inside a organ going L R L R L R L R L R and they made that thing 20 years ago. surely what im talking about cant be so fucking XFILES ALIEN TECHNOLOGY in 2018 right ?
dots wrote:incesticide
Yeah but those aren’t endless spinny knobs unless they’re broken, or are on a digital console where they can also be FX or EQ controls so the thing doesn’t have to be the size of a dining table or amp stack... in which case they’re basically jog wheels cycling through a computer menu. Pan pots dead-end at hard left and hard right.robroe wrote:don't they have pan knobs on old fucking 70's boards that were analog though?
like all the Queen shit is panned all over the place
My point is you can’t just have a passive guitar with Hazerai or Variax knobs or whatever, you’ll have to use a blend pot which won’t have most of those “3 o’clock kills everything, 6 o’clock full neck pickup, 9 o’clock zaps me a Hot Pocket, 12 o’clock sucks my dick� functions you mapped out to pan positions earlier. Also you likely wouldn’t want to blend those last two anyway.
Aug wrote:which one of you bastards sent me an ebay question asking if you can get teh kurdtz with that 64 mustang?
robertOG wrote:fran & paul are some of the original gangstas of the JS days when you'd have to say "phuck"