Bought this for £20 from a charity shop last week no psu so no way of testing whether it worked - didn't have a compatible ac/ac psu - new one from teh ebay arrived today and the unit is in full working order - £20 i remember how much i wanted one of these back in 1997 when £350 was too rich for a young Dezb1 - so £20 + £5 for the Psu and it sounds great - should be able to get close to all my Amp Farm settings from our studio for quick practice sessions:
i remember when i was a young teen just starting out on guitar for real and i found one of these left behind in my house after my sisters threw a party. I had a good time mucking around with it and kind of enjoyed it but my sisters asked if i had seen it because i guess whosever it was asked about it so i handed it over.
Doog wrote:Tone is stored in the balls
theshadowofseattle wrote:That's why there's two: one for pee, one for tone.
Fran wrote:You should do an effects timeline video dez, you've about got two decades covered already
Need to get the 80s sorted first.
Just get a couple of random Arion pedals, a TS9, DS-1, DD-3 and a CE-2. That's about it.
I'm well on the way got DD-3 and a CE-2 clone (from 1989) - can't do a tubescreamer cause SRV, will have to look out for some cheap Arion stuff then I'm set.
The first couple years of Dwarfcraft was done into that little guy. I still like it a lot for amp sim stuff, such as giant trade shows where you can't hear an amp anyway. Every other amp sim I've tried sounds like fried garbage.
aen wrote:The first couple years of Dwarfcraft was done into that little guy. I still like it a lot for amp sim stuff, such as giant trade shows where you can't hear an amp anyway. Every other amp sim I've tried sounds like fried garbage.