I took the guitar to a very small shop nearby and the owner plugged in my guitar using a hugely thick cord into another amp, I forget the brand but something that was priced at $800, used.
It didn't display the problems then. Arrrgh! It had a touch of hum due to the fluorescent lights, but much less than my problem at home.
Touching a jumper between bridge and jack as you'd suggested, does nothing except to create a little more static.
Hum isn't even so much the problem for me now, it's more loud static.
It goes away briefly if I turn or wiggle the cable end in the jack hole, but as soon as it quiets down and I move my hand from the jack, there it goes again with the crackle. Right now the only way it's playable at home with my amp is with the volume on the guitar turned way down, and volume adjusted at amp only.
I could see if this were an old guitar that it might need pots, swtches, etc.cleaned with Deoxit or whatever.
Hard to imagine a new instrument needing that.
So I have clues, wiggling guitar end of cable quiets it momentarily and that the problem is much worse or much better in certain positions of the volume and tone knobs on the guitar.
Doesn't seem to make any difference which pickup I use, or if I use both.
I guess I need to take it to another shop and see if I can get it to do the thing there, using my amp.
Very frustrating.
This is the little beast, btw:
NickS wrote:Welcome. Not a model that I know, pics? "A bit less hum if you're touching" sounds like you have an earthing issue. Try running a wire from the bridge to the outside of the jack and see if that cuts it out.