So I've stripped the finish (with nail polish remover & a cloth )from my Musicmaster & had decided to give it a Mary Kaye style finish using Wudtone dye, either the Blonde or Olympic ... id-colour/
But the body has a couple of dark knots which may look a bit crap with a transparent finish, anyone have experience of bleaching/fading wood or perhaps I go for a darker colour... not sure I can be bothered with a spray can finish?
I've bleached water stains out of a guitar neck before with good results. Wood bleach is fairly inexpensive so I would definitely give it a shot.
It did take quite a few applications for it to fade but it did work. Not sure how well it would work on natural wood knots but, like I said, the wood bleach was
Still undecided on which colour to paint the guitar, my daughter thinks a sparkly LPB....
In the meantime i've put it back together so it can be played, sounds & plays great.